Our Program

Daily Routine

Our programs follow a gently moving daily routine, which includes:

  • a substantial amount of time spent outdoors 

  • circle time with singing and movement 

  • free play 

  • creative activities connected to nature and the turning of the seasons

  • daily chores, cooking and sharing a snack 

  • story and rest time


Program Schedules

Spring Hill opened in the fall of 2021 with two mixed-age classroom programs for children ages 3-6.

This year, we have expanded to 3 classes with 3-5 day options, including half-day, full-day and extended days.

We follow a school year calendar and offer summer camps beginning in July.


Celebrating Each Child and a Caring Class

Teachers take time to create a caring relationship with each child and family. They strive to appreciate and celebrate each child's unique experiences and growth. They also create opportunities for the children to develop their social skills and friendships by learning to work together and care for each other, like a family. 

Meaningful Work

The children develop their skills, confidence and a sense of community as they engage in meaningful work such as gardening, bread-baking, sewing or wood carving, cooking, and caring for the classroom. 

Reverence and Festivals

Our curriculum carries in it a deep reverence for the beauty and sacredness of life. This is felt in so many ways, from the way we greet each child, to how we bless our food before our snack, to how we celebrate each season through songs, stories and artistic activities such as water color painting, modeling, nature activities and festivals. 

Our festivals bring the whole community together. In the fall we have our Autumn festival and lantern walk, near the Winter solstice we have a special candle lighting evening, and we welcome back Spring with flowers and a dance round the May poll.

Language and Math

Through our story time, recitation of song and verse with movement, and puppetry we begin the development of language skills and literacy. Numeracy skills unfold naturally through activities such as finger plays and verses, sorting of toys at cleaning time, collecting natural objects for play, setting the table and counting the chairs for story time.

Through this rich variety of activities in their day, and the underlying spirit of enthusiasm and reverence in all they do, we aim to nourish in the children a deep trust in themselves, a feeling of care for others, a wonderfilled connection to nature and a love of learning.

 A Welcoming Community

We are dedicated to creating a welcoming community and supporting each family to feel celebrated and supported at Spring Hill. We will offer opportunities for parents and guardians to connect with one another and to grow friendships. We value inclusivity and diversity in their many forms. Seasonal festivals that draw from the turning seasons and many traditions allow students to celebrate diversity and the sacred in all life.

Outdoor Classroom 

Nature is our Classroom

The rich rhythms of the seasons make the play yards, fields, and the forest a vital part of our teaching environment. We go out to explore in all types of weather, keeping our spirits fresh and our bodies strong as we play in the rain, sun and snow! 

The Turning Seasons

In the fall we love to rake and jump into the leaves and harvest from the garden; we sled and boil maple syrup on a fire in the winter; and we plant the garden and welcome the return of flowers and the beloved insects and birds in spring.

Imagine Your Child at Spring Hill…